Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Updates on updates

Right now we have passed the painful setting up and War-Room assembly stage, and we are in the more relatively peaceful (for the PMs) "maintenance" stage of the project. My job is, essentially, data collection and crunching. I communicate with the team members to find out what is done, and go back to the forms and schedules to input my new information, and then publish it to the War Room or in phase reviews/status reports. Here is a model of how my communication plan with the team members works:

Every Monday - I e-mail the team members their tasks in the upcoming week (these may be tasks that begin during the next 5 days, are to be worked on during the next 5 days, or must be completed within the next 5 days).
Then I respond to their responses, with any of my further inquiries, and subsequentl use what they send to me to update the schedules and forms in my computer.

On the 1st and 15th of every month: I go to Company X's headquarters and print out the schedules and forms (see my previous post), and put these up on the walls.

More or less, that is basically it; everything else is maintenance, constant refresh of the dates on the forms, collecting and responding to e-mails, getting information out to the team, taking info back to Rick, designing and editing and creating phase reviews and reports.

I like it!
Right now I am seated by the fire, the Christmas tree glowing beside me, and sending out e-mails and updating forms. Quite the life.

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